Friday, March 5, 2010

Beijing in March

Let me just tell you one thing, Beijing in March is cold. Like crazy cold. Like double glove cold, like snow on the ground cold, like imperial moats are frozen cold. And the coldest place in China in March? It's gotta be the Wall. So is it worth it? ... Yes definitely.

Here are some notes on China/Beijing:

1. You want to know what one of the best things about China is? One of the best things about China is the gawking. Gawking is okay. Not only is it okay, it's encouraged. See something weird? See somebody weird? Want to stare? want to gawk? want to take out your camera and take a picture? Go right ahead. It's quite possibly some sort of partriotic Chinese duty! This is my kind of country!

2. The Great Wall - I'd like to say something sarcastic about it. National monuments aren't really my thing, but I have to say that the Great Wall is definitely worth it. It's big, like really big, and really long (in case you didn't already know). It's also steep, and have I mentioned it's cold in March?

3. Goals completed. Forbidden City, Tianaman Square, Beijing night food street, Great Wall, Summer Palace, working hard on my Chinese. And more importantly, picked up what is sure to be magic elixir for my hair, at the supermarket. The fact that it was placed somewhere between the duck necks and the thousand year old black eggs I think is a good sign. Engrish: you really can't avoid it. Mystery food on a stick. Yeah, and it was quite delicious!

4. To go. Tomorrow is our last day in Bejing. We're going to the free market where I'm hoping to pick up some cheap knockoffs. Tomorrow night I'm hoping we get to the roast duck place. Yum! Then it's off to Xi'an on Sunday to see the terracotta warriors.

See everyone later! (& I'm hoping this emailing the blog entry thing is working as still can't see the blog, which is also the reason that I haven't put any pictures up. Plus I'm going through slight Facebook withdrawl as that is also blocked, but that's probably a good thing.)


Anonymous said...

For when you get home- blog is totally working :) Impressed that you have accomplished almost all of your goals so far :) Have fun!

i'mleaving said...

Thanks for checking out the blog! I'll put photos up soon.