Sunday, March 7, 2010

This is China!

Our last day in Beijing we went and saw the Temple of Heaven, which in the olden days is where the Emperor prayed and where the peasants stood outside looking hungry. Today it is used mainly as a park and as a tourist attraction. Local seniors use it as a gathering place to meet up with friends, and do exercise. Things like tai chi and fan dancing that sort of thing. But also in this park you will find the most best part of China. Senior citizens playing hacky sack! Nearby you will find their brethen dancing in twos to music, but not just any song, it's the remix! As they waltz along, with stoic faces the jumpy rhythm of techno blares through the trees. This is China!

Our last night in Beijing we ate super delicious Peking Duck! The skin was definitely the best, it was like candied wild game sent straight from God! Thanks to Soledad for the reccommendation!

Today we traveled to Xi'an which is an interior city to the west of Beijing. It's just a medium sized city for China. Just 8 million or so. The site of the Terracotta Warriors is outside of the city. It really was amazing and I hope to upload some pics here once I get back home. The rest of the day was spent spotting split pants babies and passing the nuclear facility where I'm sure the Chinese Homer Simpson works.

On to Shanghai tomorrow!

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