Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Oh Hai Haibao!

So this is Shanghai! We got here a few days ago and it's all flashy and shiny like I thought it would be.

My current obsession is Haibao who is the official mascot of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo which begins May 1. They are expecting millions of visitors to the expo and as a result there's an army of construction workers building a multitude of construction projects in preparation. Haibao, who is basically a huge blue gumby, is everywhere cheerily proclaiming the motto of the Expo - "Better City, Better Life!" And of course, I'm in!

We spent yesterday riding the subway and walking all over the city people watching (and dodging lugeys which is apparently a sport here, the producing and dodging I mean), going to temples and shopping. I bought a cheap winter coat at Shanghai No 1 Department Store on Nanjing Road, their largest shopping street. I also spent yesterday taking too many pictures of Haibao!

Last night we went to a hole in the wall restaurant (Anthony Bourdain would be proud!) and having mutton hot pot. Basically there's a burner in the middle of your table and they bring out a huge pot of mutton in broth w/cabbage. You order additional veggies, noodles, dumplings, etc and add them to the pot to cook. It was yummy! It also helped that some random Russians shared their cheap Chinese wine with us.

And oh yeah, how could I forget! Dreams really do come true! Several Chinese people have asked me if my hair color is natural. AND ... wait for it ... wait for it ... they've told me my hair is just like Chinese! HA!


Unknown said...

Sounds like you are having fun! We are enjoying your descriptions of China. I am forwarding your Blog to Heather. Enjoy!!

i'mleaving said...

Thanks for checking it out! I think you guys will like China