Friday, March 12, 2010


Well no, not really, but I couldn't resist.  Oh, it's so sad though, we've now spent our last day in China . We spent it schlepping around the city on foot, on subway and on the tackiest tunnel ride ever. Highlights of the day included finding the bird and cricket market where locals meet to sell birds/cricket and all the gear required to raise them. Yes, apparently there is gear involved, and this being China that means the cages are made of wood and the birds drink from, what else, china.

For reasons unknown our split pants baby sightings went through the roof on this last day. For the uninitiated, split pants are used on babies instead of diapers (although this practice is changing). When the baby needs to go, he just squats where he is and gets it done. Hmm, there definitely seem to be some pros, and umm, a lot of cons to this practice, but hey, you can't deny those pants are ridiculously cute.

Our day was capped off with maybe the best meal of the trip.  We found a Shanghainese restaurant near the hotel and tucked into crunchy tofu, spinach, dumplings and shrimp.  Boy was it delish!  Our bellies full we were ready to face the next day and 30+ hours of travel.  Wait! What? 30+ plus hours! Noooo!

(pics coming soon)

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