Thursday, October 4, 2007

Trekking and trekking and more trekking

After our second day in Chang Mai we booked a trek to Doi Inthanon, a national park outside of Chang Mai. The highest mountain in Thailand is located inside the park.

Day 1:
The company picked us up outside of our guesthouse. Then for the next 5 hours or so we drove to the park and up the mountain. Honestly I could have don't without this part. On the way back we learned we took the long way. Somewhere along the way we picked up Sonny our guide. Finally the truck dropped us off in the middle of nowhere and we walked about an hour and a half to our bamboo hut. Next to the bamboo hut there was a small river and a gushing waterfall. We spent the late afternoon hours swimming in the river and sliding down the falls. That night we spent in the bamboo hut, on a wooden floor! All we had for matresses were small woven straw mats and some blankets. It was quite cold there since we were fairly high up the mountain.

Day 2 - to be continued - my time on the comp is running low, and I'm super funcky from the trek! Plus there's a sign next to the comp urging me: "Don'ts download, Don'ts Change Everything in Computer"

Gotta go!


cmf said...

Are you seeing any of the beautiful temples or are you just seeing trees and half naked people??

What about getting a taylor made suit??

Are you doing any civilized stuff at all?

cmf said...

So can you get a suit made in these villages?

I guess it would be tailor made - sorry about the typo.

I guess I was so upset about the bug eating and the possibliity of you getting malaria that I couldn't spell!!!