Sunday, October 14, 2007

Hey You!

Thanks for reading my blog!

Here's some notes:

1. When in Rome, err, Bangkok - I've gotten a lot of notes on the whiskey! Haha. No I'm not a whiskey drinker now. It was just the cheapest bucket they sold (200 baht - approx $6 shared with a group, can't beat that). So hey, we were sold! And no, it wasn't a lot I drank, so I can't really justify the bugs. I dunno, I like to try new things. They did not taste like chicken though. They taste like ... well ... one word ... guts!

2. Fam - Thanks for reading cousin and KG and FG! Kelly will have a great time in Europe.

3. Culture and stuff - yes, I've actually been seeing some cultural sights, but honestly they don't make such good reading. Bugs and whiskey however!

4. Photos - I haven't been able to load my own photos just yet. When I come home I will and will put some on here. For the time being these photos are ones I've found on the internet.

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