Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Taa Daa!

Red Backpack
Originally uploaded by I'm Leaving Now

There it is. My friend ... my foe ... for the next few weeks. And yes, only 3 pairs of shoes - it's gonna be rough!


lomester said...

WOW! I am still in shock. THat would be my "shoe bag" :)

Can't wait to see where your travels lead you.

Stephanie said...

What brand pack is that?

i'mleaving said...

Deuter - I'm still deciding if I like it. But it is light!

Holly said...

I'm impressed! .. and not the least bit interested in minimalizing my vacation wardobe. Let us know how it goes.

i'mleaving said...

Holly - It has been a little rough with not that many clothes. And I still have a week and a half!

Not too funky though, have been washing at least one thing every night.