Saturday, September 29, 2007

Bangkok: Day 1

Well day 1 is spent getting tickets to the overnight sleeper train to Chang Mai. We then head over to Wat Po and see the reclining Buddha. A giant golden Buddha. We spend the night on Kao San talking to fellow travelers and lucky for us, we run into two girls living in Chang Mai teaching english. They clue us into which trekking to do while up there as we share a bucket of cheap liquor.

Since traveling is about learning and my time on the internet is running out, here's a few quick things I learned/did on my first full day in Bangkok:

1. 100 percent of Tuk Tuk drivers are shady, although we did end up getting two free rides.

2. Fresh cut pinapple in the park - 10 baht!

3. Banana pancake from street market - yum!

4. Mai au na ka - the new word I learned - it's like a really polite no - and I'm not the only one who nods their head when trying to do a rising tone in Thai.

So we're off to Chang Mai tonight for a few days and nights of trekking, till then ...


Stephanie said...

bucket of cheap liquor...

Love it!

lomester said...

a bucket??
Sounds like the trip of a lifetime