Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sleeper Train

We headed off to Chang Mai on the sleeper train at the end of day 2. The train was pretty comfortable, and if it wasn't for my jet-lag, I probably would have slept well. They sold food and drink on the train, but we thought ahead and I enjoyed my $.60 street vendor pad thai on the train. The bathroom was at the end of each car and basically was a small room with a hole in the ground. Eh, it's all biodegradeable

Chang Mai is in the northwest corner of Thailand and is known for it's scenery and native hill tribe culture. There are a number of hill tribes that make up an ethnic minority here. The culture as well as the nature trekking is what draws visitors. We plan to spend two nights in Chang Mai and then head off to Pai for some trekking! Should be fun. We also plan to see some muay thai (thai boxing) while were here in Chang Mai.


Unknown said...

I am not sure if I am doing this right, but here goes. It sounds like you are having an awesome time! I am jealous! The house is good, things are good! The food sounds good! Enjoy!!

Unknown said...

You guys are not going to Myanmar/Burma, right? There is some stuff going on over there. Be safe!

Ginny said...

I don't remember what that means, but I am lifting my chin while I say it.
Brooke really misses you - she is like a sad, lost puppy with orange hair when you are not around.
We almost got through an entire lunch today without discussing reality TV - we discussed SPORTS! (Disclaimer - Roger stayed at my sister's house last week because he was working on a job in Baltimore County, and she turned him onto "Dancing with the Stars". I have forbidden him to watch it at our house).
Post some pix for us!

Unknown said...

Sounds like you are having an awesome time. Just to let you know, Leeland called and said that your apartment is a great place to throw a party and since the cops know you're an ASA, the police didn't bust him for what he called his "medical marijuana" use on your front porch. The cats are having a blast!

cmf said...

I love "Dancing With the Stars!"

cmf said...

Make sure you get blesses by a monk while you are there. have them tie the string around your wrist that you leave on until it rots off.


Unknown said...

I hope youre havin fun! Please be careful eating at those roadside stands. You know there is a reason you dont see many cats running around over there! Oh yeah, Leeland wants to know if we can sell some of your stuff so he can make bail???

clare said...

don't forget doi suthep for your monk blessing and the elephant camp is outstanding.

i'mleaving said...

Thanks for the comments!

Katie - no we're not going to Burma. It's too dangerous. We did go to northern Thailand though.

Ginny - I haven't watched TV in over a week and a half - I'm going to need many a lunchtime discussion to catch up on what I missed! Karwp Koon KA!!

Leland/Crighton - all is fine as long as he hasn't gotten into my Prague stash!

CMF/Clare - we haven't gotten blessed by any monks yet! Maybe we are getting up too late?