Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Carry-on Baby!

43 cubic inches!!! (the maximum carry-on allowance)

Yup that's right, 3 weeks, 1 backpack, 1 small daypack. Carry-on all the way **

Here's what I'm bringing:
1. 3 pants
2. 5 shirts
3. 1 t-shirt
4. 1 pair of shorts
5. 1 sarong
6. 1 scarf
7. 1 bathing suit
8. 1 pair flip-flops
9. 1 pair sandals
10. 1 pair mesh tennis shoes
11. 1 travel towel
12. toiletries/medicine
13. 1 small umbrella
14. guidebook
15. paper/pen
16. and oh yeah 6 pair underwear

** Some restrictions apply, meaning we'll see how it goes @ the airport


lomester said...

3 pairs of shoes? That is all?

clare said...

If only your mother could learn to pack like you....

cmf said...

only 6 pairs of underwear for 3 weeks??

didn't your mother teach you to change your underwear every day!!!


Aunt C said...

I didn't see a bra in that list -- did you only take one or aren't you wearing one anymore?