Thursday, February 25, 2010


So, here's the thing, my mom and I are going to China. Yeah, China. For a while I resisted the urge to do a blog, because ... well ... it's just so nerdy. That time has passed and so here I am.

On the agenda:
Great Wall
Terra Cotta Warriors
etc, etc

On the other agenda ('cause I always got one!):
SOMETHING'S IN THE AIR - What's all this fuss about the pollution? How bad is it? Are those masks really worth it? Were all those Olympic athletes at the Beijing games a bunch of whining cry babies? I will investigate and report back!

THE HOLY HAIR GRAIL - All my life I have had one dream, well one dream that I have consistently worked towards achieving. No, it's not finding the end of PI, or discovering life's real purpose. No, not at all. Since my childhood I have dreamed that one day I would achieve the perfection, the beauty of silky, straight, luxurious stereotypically Asian hair. While this concept may not even exist in real life, it hasn't stopped me from looking, in Japan, in Thailand, wherever. And while the Chi (my flatiron) has brought me infinitely closer to this goal, I haven't gotten there yet. However, I remain convinced the holy grail of asian hair exists! I will be on the hunt.

NOODLES - In my former life I would have cared less about homemade artisan noodles, but with  increased age has come an unhealthy obsession with Anthony Bourdain. So here I am, itching to eat some real homemade chinese noodles. Extra points for seeing them being made. Super extra points for getting a picture.  Also in this category will be the all the delights (and the potential not-so-delightful aftermath) of street food! Woo!

ENGRISH!  - Imagine you had to create public signage in a language you had no knowledge of and the only help you had was a bad english/other language dictionary. Here's a hint, hilarity ensues.


Stephanie said...

Asian hair is overrated. :)

i'mleaving said...

I'm not so sure. I guess we always want what we can't have! Let's trade! lol

Anonymous said...

why do you want asian hair? you are not asian...i'm just saying. Love your hair and move have way to many great things going on to worry about hair!

Asian Mike said...

oh my gosh - asian hair is not over rated!!!! its the best. and this blog is so nerdy.