Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sleeper Train

We headed off to Chang Mai on the sleeper train at the end of day 2. The train was pretty comfortable, and if it wasn't for my jet-lag, I probably would have slept well. They sold food and drink on the train, but we thought ahead and I enjoyed my $.60 street vendor pad thai on the train. The bathroom was at the end of each car and basically was a small room with a hole in the ground. Eh, it's all biodegradeable

Chang Mai is in the northwest corner of Thailand and is known for it's scenery and native hill tribe culture. There are a number of hill tribes that make up an ethnic minority here. The culture as well as the nature trekking is what draws visitors. We plan to spend two nights in Chang Mai and then head off to Pai for some trekking! Should be fun. We also plan to see some muay thai (thai boxing) while were here in Chang Mai.

Food Diary: Bangkok, Day 2

Midday - noodle soup and thai iced tea (cafe) = approx $3
Snack 1 - fresh papaya w/ sugar & salt (street vendor) = approx $.33
Snack 2 - milk bubble tea (street vendor) = I forget
Evening - pad thai (street vendor) = approx $.60
Night - chewy tamarind candy (store @ train station = I forget

Yum ...

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Bangkok: Day 1

Well day 1 is spent getting tickets to the overnight sleeper train to Chang Mai. We then head over to Wat Po and see the reclining Buddha. A giant golden Buddha. We spend the night on Kao San talking to fellow travelers and lucky for us, we run into two girls living in Chang Mai teaching english. They clue us into which trekking to do while up there as we share a bucket of cheap liquor.

Since traveling is about learning and my time on the internet is running out, here's a few quick things I learned/did on my first full day in Bangkok:

1. 100 percent of Tuk Tuk drivers are shady, although we did end up getting two free rides.

2. Fresh cut pinapple in the park - 10 baht!

3. Banana pancake from street market - yum!

4. Mai au na ka - the new word I learned - it's like a really polite no - and I'm not the only one who nods their head when trying to do a rising tone in Thai.

So we're off to Chang Mai tonight for a few days and nights of trekking, till then ...

Halfway Around the World

Ok, so somewhere in my 30 hour journey to Thailand it strikes me as amazing that anyone ever gets here. It seems worlds away. Then it his me it is more than a half a world away. The moment I finally get off the plane, the scent of coconut milk and curry hits me, and I'm in Thailand.

I end up sharing a cab with some fellow backpackers to Kao San, the hippie haven in the middle of Bangkok ...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Taa Daa!

Red Backpack
Originally uploaded by I'm Leaving Now

There it is. My friend ... my foe ... for the next few weeks. And yes, only 3 pairs of shoes - it's gonna be rough!

Carry-on Baby!

43 cubic inches!!! (the maximum carry-on allowance)

Yup that's right, 3 weeks, 1 backpack, 1 small daypack. Carry-on all the way **

Here's what I'm bringing:
1. 3 pants
2. 5 shirts
3. 1 t-shirt
4. 1 pair of shorts
5. 1 sarong
6. 1 scarf
7. 1 bathing suit
8. 1 pair flip-flops
9. 1 pair sandals
10. 1 pair mesh tennis shoes
11. 1 travel towel
12. toiletries/medicine
13. 1 small umbrella
14. guidebook
15. paper/pen
16. and oh yeah 6 pair underwear

** Some restrictions apply, meaning we'll see how it goes @ the airport

Monday, September 24, 2007


Okay, so the point of this is to tell you about my trip.

Here are some guidelines for me:

1. Try really hard to write a few times a week*
2. Come back

*my internet access may be limited, but I'll try.

Here are some guidelines for you:

1. Log on now and then (in the event you still remember who I am)
2. Write a comment, umm ... please
3. There will be a test on my trip details when I come back, so I'll know who's reading, and who's not!

I think I'll just go now

Yeah ... so ... umm ... I have a blog.

We'll see how it goes.