Friday, April 2, 2010

Beijing! Ohh yeah!!

So alrighty then,  this is Beijing:

We found this lawn of creepy pandas at the zoo. China: Of course!

The Watercube and Bird's Nest Stadium

Tiananmen Square. There was some very important meeting of very important people going on at the People's Hall, so the Square was closed. Also closed was the building in the background there. It's the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall. So sadly we were unable to view the lifeless yet preserved body of Dear Leader.

Oh, but there's his beaming face, looking down upon us from the wall of the Forbidden City.

Inside the Forbidden City. If you're like me and have seen the Last Emperor, you'd be walking around talking to yourself, "I know this place!"

Proof it was like crazy cold. But begs the question, what good is an Imperial Moat if you can just walk over it?

The cold didn't stop these brave Thai Buddhist Monks from rocking bath slippers in the Forbidden City.

Check back! More to come! (just humor me, okay?)